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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Google Glass Successfully Rooted By iOS Jailbreaker!

While the world is still anticipating as to when the Google Glass will go on retail sale, the lucky few who have managed to get their hands on it, are busy exploring the possibilities with the latest toy from Google. 
One such curious developer, who managed to get one of the Explorer Edition of Google Glass was legendary iOS Jailbreaker and Cydia founder Jay Freeman aka Saurik, and no points for guessing what he did with his Google Glass! 
Freeman used an Android 4.0.4 exploit to gain root access to Google Glass. While speaking to Forbes, Freeman said that the exploit was first discovered by a hacker named B1nary and he used the exploit to gain full control over the Glass’s operating system.
In his interview, Freeman said:

"It took me two hours while I was having dinner with friends at the time. The implementation from B1nary is for normal Android tablets and phones, I learned how it worked and then did the same thing on Glass…which was quite simple."

Though it is still not clear as to what one can do by gaining root access to the headset, but it is believed that by gaining root access,  the user can disable Google’s ability to brick/disable the headset if the user violates Google’s terms of use. 
This becomes quite important as Google had warned that if the early adapters of Google Glass Explorer Edition tried to sell the headset, they will disable it, making the Glass unusable.
However, Jay Freeman isn’t the only developer who has been successful in gaining root access to Google Glass, as just a few hours back, a developer named Liam McLoughlin had managed to root the headset. 
While both the developers have been successful in hacking into the Glass, it isn’t yet clear if the same rooting technique will be usable for the consumer edition of Google Glass, once it goes on sale.  

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