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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Temple Run Comes To Windows Phone 8, Requires Minimum 1GB RAM!

Windows Phone 8 users have also started to get their share of fun as Microsoft announced in a blog post that the widely popular game, Temple Run is now available on Windows Phone 8 but while the world has moved on to Temple Run 2, Windows Phone 8 users will just have be contended with the original Temple Run for the time being. 
If you’re a Windows Phone 8 users, you’d be happy to know that other than Temple Run, some other games like Gravity Guy 2, Chaos Rings, 6th Planet, Propel Man, Orcs Must Survive, Ruzzle and Fling Theory have also been added to Windows Phone store.
But, it seems that Microsoft still can’t do without drawing ire from it’s users, as even though Temple Run has arrived on the platform after ages, the minimum hardware requirements for playing Temple Run on Windows Phone 8 include 1GB of RAM, which means that none of the lesser-priced Windows Phone 8 smartphones would be able to play Temple Run.

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